Clarke Delta


Housebuilding in the UK has been through a recent period of extensive growth, although signs are starting to appear suggesting that the industry was starting to slow down. The challenge of resolving Britain’s lingering housing shortage is an ever present one, with the government announcing plans to remove obstacles in the path of new house builds.

The sector is tasked with overcoming changing building regulations, the need to provide sustainable developments, and the continued demands to reduce cost.

The past year has shown the cost of homes continue to surge in many areas, with it being claimed that more than half a million homes are valued at over £1million. The demand for luxury homes is also on the up, with a projected increase of 25% over the next decade which equates to around 25 thousand properties. The sector is under risk of the demand outstripping the available resource.


Luxury residential properties tend to be equipped with many spectacular features with air conditioning becoming more expected, meaning that demand is certainly on the up. Air conditioning systems benefit from being able to offer cooling, heating, and air filtration. Clarke Delta air conditioning cages help prevent the much greater expense in replacing air conditioning units that become damaged, are vandalised, or at worst stolen. Our covers come in a range of sizes, finishes, and materials which can be selected in order to complement the property.

The technological advancements in flat roofing have meant that many new developments are selecting that flat roofs, the benefits include their space saving and compact design. Flat roofing saves owners energy and money, with the construction of flat roofs being far less labour intensive than traditional roofs. Roof terraces are seen as an additional benefit, where materials need to be both robust and aesthetically pleasing. Our aluminium coping system comes in a finishing standard to which our customers deserve.

Households that have children with autism face the challenge of adapting their homes to suit the needs of their children. The Clarke Delta TV Protection Cabinet offers a robust solution that ensures televisions are protected ensuring both the equipment, and occupants don’t become harmed.

Our knowledge of sheet metal fabrications is also essential in creating bespoke solutions for the innovative demands of the healthcare sector.